When you’re talking to people during conversation. Do you ever think about yourself when you are talking with others?
I used to be like that. I used to think about what I could say to make the other person like me, rather than how they would feel.
You don’t notice this until you consciously think about it. I was not able to make the other person enjoy the conversation. Because I was focused on myself.
I could not understand what the other person was thinking or feeling when we talked. I was focused on me. It was a big problem during communication.
In the end, I realized that I had been communicating in a rather selfish way. So, in this article, I would like to talk about two very important things.
- To be aware of when conversing with people who think too much about themselves.
- To how this affects them, and how to avoid thinking too much.
This article is about:
- Those who do not know how to communicate well.
- If you are always trying to go along with the other person in a conversation.
- You want to make the person in front of you happy.
I would like to write this article for those who want to improve their communication. And plus those who are struggling with their relationships.
First of all, the most important thing in communication is;
To “let the other person have the flower.”
This cannot be done when you are in a stage where you are concerned about what the other person thinks of you. Or in other words, when you are conscious of yourself.
For example, there is a cute girl in front of you. And in order to get her to like you. You have to talk to her. Or choose your words to go along with her.
This may seem to be an attempt to make the other person feel great. But, it is an attempt to make “yourself” be liked.
However, they try to make the other person feel good about themselves. Because you want to make them like you. But they don’t know how the other person feels or what the other person is thinking.
Because of why?
You are thinking too much about yourself. Not focusing on her feelings at all.
This is especially true for those who are thinking about themselves during a conversation. That they are communicating in the wrong way with others.
It is easy to tell when someone’s interest in a conversation is focused on “me”.
Here is some examples,
- People who like hot weather. But then say they don’t like it to accommodate the other person.
- Someone who says they like to exercise. But their daily routine is eating an ice cream, and watching TV at home.
- They mount up to what others say.
These people are always thinking about how they will be perceived during the conversation. They don’t have time to think about how the other person feels. They want to be loved by themselves.
In this state, they do not know how the other person. It is feeling and what they are looking for in the conversation. I was like that. So, in my brain, I was thinking only about myself. I was wondering how I can make the other person like me.
In the past, I also used to conform to other people’s opinions. Because I didn’t want to be rejected. Perhaps due to peer pressure, I wanted to make the other person feel good.
But in reality, my subconscious was thinking like “I want to be liked!”, “I don’t want them to hate me!.”
that so, I was always pointing the finger at myself.
And as I did this, I was bound to be surrounded by people who are just like me. With these things, I didn’t realize that when I was having a conversation with someone. I was more self-centered than ever before to others.
Acting like, I showed up at gatherings I didn’t want to go to. And if someone likes something then, I like it no matter what I don’t like. I would say I liked things I didn’t like. And act as if I respected them so as not to break the camaraderie. Or the atmosphere of the place.
However, I realized that I was saying things because I was concerned about how I would be perceived.
And this caused me to feel more and more self-loathing.
I began to hate myself.
I felt that I had no choice but to retreat into my cave once again. And I refused all invitations from people. I refused to go to gatherings I didn’t want to go to.
I stopped choosing my words to suit the other person. By doing this, I found out who I really wanted to be. I realized that everything I had thought. I was doing for the other person was an attempt to force myself to be liked.
Another important thing in communication is;
To be yourself without pretending.
If you don’t like something, it’s okay to dislike it. No need to pretend.
If someone leaves because of that, it is okay to end it. As a result, there is no point if you are not in a relationship where you can be yourself without pretending.
If you are a little tired of always trying to fit in in relationships, you are having a hard time expressing your own opinions. Or you are changing your opinions to fit in with others, please try to sort it out.
By doing so, you will realize how you have been interacting with others by thinking in your brain about how to be liked by the other person first.
You will realize that you have been communicating poorly, when you thought you were trying to please the other person by being outwardly congruent with them.
Lately, I do more like myself and say whatever I want. Regardless of what the other person thinks about me. Well, on the premise that I mean I don’t say anything like the words which hurt others.
But then, I no longer feel anxious or afraid of people in conversation at all.
Once you know this. You don’t have to worry about relationships anymore.
I don’t have to worry about relationships anymore. Because I can focus on more important things than how I am perceived. That is the person is conversing in front of me.
You are having a conversation with a super cute girl in front of you. You want her to like you. But when you are thinking like that, you are not concentrating on the other person.
If you are thinking only about yourself in that way, there is no way they will like you. That was a blind spot. But once you realize that there are only two things you need to be aware of when dealing with people.
It is very simple.

Let the other person have the flowers during a conversation.
If the other person enjoys your conversation, you will be happy.
Enjoy yourself as you are without pretending.
You don’t have to think about how to be liked.
And your anxiety will disappear.
Just by being aware of these two things during a conversation. You can dramatically change the way you communicate with others. For me, this was an eye-opening experience.
If you are having trouble communicating with others, please take a look at this. I hope you will enjoy your relationships and conversations more.
Thank you for reading.
For the information, I have another blog.
It is called “Sroute66.” And if you like my article check for,,.